Mathematics Resources
Math Summer Institute (Institut d’été en mathématiques)
The Math Focus Project to support Elementary Math teachers originated with the Summer Institute in 2015. Since that time several hundred teachers have successfully completed the three-year training and have received ongoing support from their local Consultants in a variety of ways.
Le Math Focus Project, qui vise à soutenir les enseignants de mathématiques du primaire, a vu le jour à l’occasion du Summer Institute de 2015. Depuis, plusieurs centaines d’enseignants ont suivi avec succès la formation de trois ans et ont bénéficié d’un soutien continu de leurs conseillers locaux sous diverses formes.
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics (Créer des classes de réflexion en mathématiques)
A thinking student is an engaged student
Un élève qui réfléchit est un élève motivé (en anglais seulement)
Teachers often find it difficult to implement lessons that help students go beyond rote memorization and repetitive calculations. In fact, institutional norms and habits that permeate all classrooms can actually be enabling “non-thinking” student behavior. Sparked by observing teachers struggle to implement rich mathematics tasks to engage students in deep thinking, Peter Liljedahl has translated his 15 years of research into this practical guide on how to move toward a thinking classroom. Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K–12 helps teachers implement 14 optimal practices for thinking that create an ideal setting for deep mathematics learning to occur. This guideProvides the what, why, and how of each practice and answers teachers’ most frequently asked questionsIncludes firsthand accounts of how these practices foster thinking through teacher and student interviews and student work samplesOffers a plethora of macro moves, micro moves, and rich tasks to get startedOrganizes the 14 practices into four toolkits that can be implemented in order and built on throughout the yearWhen combined, these unique research-based practices create the optimal conditions for learner-centered, student-owned deep mathematical thinking and learning, and have the power to transform mathematics classrooms like never before.
One, Two...Infinity
Dr. Marian Small
Dre Marianne Small
Dr. Marian Small is an internationally renowned mathematics educator, author, and professional learning consultant. Dr. Small, whose career in education has spanned more than four decades, is considered one of the most influential math educators in Canada. She has authored or co‑authored more than 100 math resources and travelled to mathematics classrooms around the world to provide consultation focused on improving understanding and performance in K–12 mathematics.
Author and International Professional Development Consultant for Improved Mathematics EducationProfessional development consultant to help schools and districts improve:K-12 mathematics instructionDifferentiated mathematics instruction
Speaker at national, international conferences on K-12 mathematicsSenior author or co author:A number of text series Grades K -12 used in Canada, the U.S., and BhutanPRIME (Professional Resources and Instruction for Math Educators), developmental maps describing mathematical growth across the grades along with support materialsNCTM Navigations seriesProfessional books on math methods, differentiated instruction, big ideas in mathematics, and more
Former dean and professor, the University of New BrunswickFormer chair and member, MathCounts writing team
Inspire ALL Students with Open, Creative, Mindset Mathematics
Inspirer TOUS les élèves grâce à un état d’esprit ouvert et créatif en mathématiques (Mindset Mathematics)(en anglais seulement)
Inspiring Mathematics Success for all Students through Growth Mindsets and Innovative Teaching
Our main goal is to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on maths learning into accessible and practical forms.
We know from research how to teach mathematics well and how to bring about high levels of student engagement and achievement, but this evidence has not previously been made accessible to teachers. All students can learn mathematics to high levels and teaching that is based upon this principle dramatically increases students’ maths achievement. The need to make research widely available is particularly pressing now as new science on the brain and learning is giving important insights into mathematics learning.
Mathematics is often the reason that students leave STEM, particularly girls and some students of color. We aim to change this by communicating the sources of maths inequality in the US and by teaching the classroom methods that are needed for 21st century learning. By providing research-based teaching methods, mathematics tasks, videos, and ideas we intend to significantly reduce maths failure and inequality in the United States and beyond, inspiring teachers and empowering all students to success.
Jo Boaler
Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Mathematics, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching (Mindset Mathematics) 2nd Edition
L’esprit mathématique : exploiter le potentiel des élèves grâce à des mathématiques créatives, des messages inspirants et un enseignement innovant (Mindset Mathematics) 2e édition (en anglais seulement)
Reverse mathematics trauma and find a universal blueprint for math success
In Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching mathematics education expert and best-selling author Jo Boaler delivers a blueprint to banishing math anxiety and laying a foundation for mathematics success that anyone can build on.
Perfect for students who have been convinced they are naturally "bad at math," the author offers a demonstration of how to turn self-doubt into self-confidence by relying on the "mindset" framework.
The Framework for Interventions to Improve Math Skills emphasizes two basic foundations of mathematics teaching and learning and an essential condition for developing them in the classroom. It also includes concrete examples of how to lay these foundations. In other words, it sheds light on the question, “What does it mean to do mathematics?” This question must be carefully examined before analyzing the characteristics of the different mathematical concepts and processes.
Learning & Teaching with Learning Trajectories
Discover how children develop their mathematical thinking and learning skills.
Explore our engaging math activities for young children from birth to age 8!
Children follow natural developmental progressions in learning. Curriculum research has revealed sequences of activities that are effective in guiding children through these levels of thinking. These developmental paths are the basis for learning trajectories.