Literacy Resources
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets offers a rich library of evidence-based classroom strategies to help young children become skilled readers.
Check out the section Helping all Readers if you are interested in helping kids who struggle with reading, screening and intervention. There are several helpful videos for reading interventions.
Literacy Today (L’alphabétisation aujourd’hui)
Teacher inspired ELA resources
Ressources ELA inspirées par les enseignants
Literacy Today strives to answer essential questions for today’s Québec English Language Arts teachers. What types of authentic contexts will engage my students to talk, read and write? How can I inspire my students while meeting the expectations of the QEP? We can play an important role in answering these and many other questions. Literacy Today is your teacher inspired ELA resource!
Literacy how (Littéracie, de quelle manière?)
​Explore Literacy how's model for success, resources for SLD/dyslexia, and their research findings about helping teachers.
Découvrez le modèle de réussite de Literacy how, les ressources pour les troubles du langage et la dyslexie ainsi que les résultats de leurs recherches sur l’aide aux enseignants. (en anglais seulement)
Shapes of Mind
Shapes of Mind provides complementary, non-profit resources developed/released by the author (Lynn Senecal) as a service to Quebec's English School Boards—i.e., to support the varied needs of learners in diverse groups
Shapes of Mind propose des ressources complémentaires sans but lucratif élaborées et diffusées par l’auteur (Lynn Senecal) à titre de service aux commissions scolaires anglophones du Québec, c’est-à-dire pour répondre aux divers besoins des élèves de groupes diversifiés (en anglais seulement)
Apprenants en difficulté et littératie
L’équipe de recherche ADEL est composée de chercheuses et chercheurs s’intéressant aux enjeux liés à la littératie, plus spécifiquement aux difficultés rencontrées par tout apprenant, du préscolaire jusqu’au niveau post secondaire. Cette équipe est heureusement et agréablement alimentée d’étudiants chercheurs à la maîtrise, au doctorat et de stagiaires postdoctoraux intéressés par ces problématiques.
The ADEL research team is made up of researchers interested in issues related to literacy, more specifically in the difficulties encountered by all learners, from preschool to post-secondary level. This team is fortunately and pleasantly supplied with research students at the master's and doctoral levels and postdoctoral fellows interested in these issues.
Lead For Literacy
The Lead for Literacy Center, operated by Boston University’s Wheelock College of Education and Human Development with funding from the United States Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs, is a partnership among literacy experts, education leaders, university researchers, and technical assistance providers from the University of Oregon and American Institutes for Research.